The Smith Family Is Expanding

We're beyond thrilled to share that...


yup! two babies!!

After our initial shock and awe, we're pretty over-the-moon excited!  Still early in the process, at 9 weeks, but gosh darn we just had to share ~ mainly because yours truly is so awful at keeping secrets!  And I must say, seeing their heartbeats at 6 weeks really changes ones outlook on life.  Our journey started two years ago, and after wondering what was up we enlisted the help of some pretty amazing fertility specialists.  The funny thing about pregnancy is when you want it, you want it, and sometimes it just doesn't happen that easy.  So for any couples out there that had a rough go at it, or who still are ~ I have a whole new love and understanding for what you're going through.  

Plainly put...Infertility Sucks!  

And I have to admit that while at times our road was bumpy, our journey turned out to be a pretty easy one.  I was diagnosed with PCOS last summer and after some other stuff we got super lucky with our first round of IUI in February.  

Plainly put...We're pregnant with Twins!

As far as how it's currently going?  Life is good and growing babies is hard work :)

I have to admit, pregnancy does some pretty funny things to you and your body.  There's this form of exhaustion that I've never felt before.  Not a let me take an afternoon nap exhaustion, but a I'll totally fall asleep while talking to you exhaustion .  Brian and I keep joking that it's the twins way of saying Sleep now, because next year you won't.  Pair that with morning sickness, a weird bout of sleep insomnia, and the never ending feeling that my brain is working at a third of capacity and I'd say it's a standard pregnancy so far.  All of that explains my absence from the blog most of March. So, I greatly appreciate your patience with me as I get through the first trimester.  

As for any nursery or baby plans?  We're currently taking it day by day, so no BIG plans yet.  We do plan to stay in this house, after all we don't feel like our adventure here is over.  We're more of the finish what you started type and there are still so many DIYs and projects to be done!  But boy oh boy (or should I say girl oh girl? or boy oh girl?) ~ we can't wait to see what's in store!

Ok, now it's your turn!

Any parenting or baby must haves?!  

Bring it on!  We'd love to hear your thoughts and comments below!